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Frequently Asked Questions

-How can I schedule an appointment?

You can schedule an appointment by calling 603-393-8876.


-How long do sessions last?
Sessions are 50-60 minutes.


-How often will we meet and for how long?
Duration of counseling is collaboratively agreed upon. Usually weekly meetings are best in order to generate momentum, so to speak.  Sometimes meeting every other week is sufficient.  My goal is to help you achieve your goals as soon as possible.  Duration of time in counseling varies from client to client, and depends upon many variables.


-Do you accept insurance?
Yes.  I am a provider for a number of insurance companies.  It is best that you contact your insurer to determine whether your insurance will authorize coverage (many insurance carriers list me as John J. Collins).  If you need assistance in determining insurance status, please phone my office.


-Do you offer weekend hours?
I do not usually schedule appointments on weekends.


-What are the benefits of counseling as opposed to other therapeutic options?
Sometimes clients also see their doctor or psychiatrist for medication to help manage depression, anxiety, ADD, etc.  Many clients resolve issues through counseling alone.


-If I begin therapy alone, can I switch to couples' therapy?
Sometimes clients do begin counseling individually, but it becomes apparent that working together as a couple might expedite things and be most helpful.  I do welcome the notion of a client inviting another person into a session for purposes of resolving interpersonal aspects of the problem at hand. When it is felt that a restructuring of the counseling is appropriate (ie: from individual to marital), I sometimes agree to this if both parties express this desire.  It is important to acknowledge and discuss potential issues of perceived favoritism in these situations.  It may make the most sense to refer a couple to another counselor for that need.

-What are your privacy policies?
My complete statement on confidentiality and privacy policies can be reviewed or downloaded from the Policies page of this website.  In general, everything is confidential unless a client asks (consent form) me to consult with a particular party on client's behalf. All written records are subject to confidentiality laws.

-Can you prescribe medication?
No.  However, I do collaborate with psychiatrists who can do medication evaluations and prescribe medications.  In such cases, I am happy to consult with the prescribing doctor.

-Can I download any necessary forms and bring them with me to my initial meeting?
Yes. All of the initial forms can be found at the bottom of the Policies page under "Forms."


Happy couple

211 South Main Street, Laconia, NH 03246

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